The Yellow Flag Programme in Kerry

Two primary schools in Killarney were selected to participate in The Yellow Flag Programme in Kerry  –   Presentation Monastery and St. Oliver’s in Ballycasheen.  The Yellow Flag is a progressive equality and diversity initiative for primary and secondary schools, which is coordinated by Irish Traveller Movement. Both schools worked very hard during the school year to accomplish all 8 steps of the programme:  1. Intercultural and Anti-racism Training for Staff and Management, 2. Engaging with the Community, 3. Establishing a Diversity Committee,  4. Conducting an Intercultural review,  5. Formulating an Action Plan for a Diverse School,  6. Monitoring and Evaluation and Information Dissemination, 7. Curriculum Work,  8. Production of a Diversity Code and Anti-racist Policy for the School.

Diversity Committees in both primary schools consisted of teacher and pupil representatives, parents’ representatives including a Traveller parent, KASI and Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development Project. Highlights were Culture and Diversity Week in Presentation Monastery which included an exhibition on Traveller culture an paper flower making demonstration facilitated by Kerry Traveller Project and IMAD Days in St’. Oliver’s which in addition to this had a wonderful motivational guest speaker, Martin Mahon, actor and playwright. Martin and his rap band also performed in Presentation Monastery during Traveller Pride Week and in St. Oliver’s for 6th Year Talent Show. St.  Oliver’s invited Brigid Quilligan, Director of Irish Traveller Movement, to be the main guest speaker for their 6th Year graduation ceremony.

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